Antique sensations: reliving the Seventeenth Century [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] It happens - you close your eyes and see. You live in other ages, in other spaces. You dream the ages and spaces of a period that is gone. You lay your hand on the frames and caress the secular wood, lingering on its veining,…
Antique sensations: reliving the Eighteenth Century [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] It happens - you close your eyes and see. You live in other ages, in other spaces. You dream the ages and spaces of a period that is gone. You lay your hand on the frames and caress the secular wood, lingering on its veining,…
Antique sensations: reliving the Nineteenth Century [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] It happens - you close your eyes and see. You live in other ages, in other spaces. You dream the ages and spaces of a period that is gone. You lay your hand on the frames and caress the secular wood, lingering on its veining,…
Antique sensations: reliving the Twentieth Century [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] It happens - you close your eyes and see. You live in other ages, in other spaces. You dream the ages and spaces of a period that is gone. You lay your hand on the frames and caress the secular wood, lingering on its veining,…
The shutters age [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] The preserved knowledge of the past that originates contemporary goods with an antique style. We offer shutters in various essences and different millings, of regular and irregular shape. [/span8] [/row] [row] [span12] [gallery size="medium" ids="2674,2668,2666,2664,2672,2655,2649,2641,2647,2645,2662,3940,2643,2653,2660,2658,3882,3951,2651,2670,2639,2637"] [/span12] [/row]
Entry Doors
The historic house entrance [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] Entrance doors in the name of rustic style, bringing manufacturing techniques of the past together with unique materials. Embrace the satisfaction of crossing the threshold of your house! [/span8] [/row] [row] [span12] [gallery size="medium" ids="2704,2694,2696,2698,2708,2706,2702,2700,2688,2686,4077,2684,3538,2680,4022"] [/span12] [/row]
Interior Doors
Stylish interior doors [row] [span4] [/span4] [span8] Ancient sensations, tools for a stylish furnishing. Exceptional wooden essences, finishes and designs loyal to historical reproductions. All of this, without losing the personalization and innovation of the materials. [/span8] [/row] [row] [span12] [gallery size="medium" ids="2752,2712,2762,2740,2750,2746,2736,2734,2758,2714,2716,2718,2720,2722,2724,2726,2728,2732,2738,2744,2748,2754,2760,2764,2742,2710,4080,4092"] [/span12] [/row]
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